Detox day 4
Yesterday was day 4 of my 30 day detox. It is based on Melissa Hartwig’s Whole30 eating plan which includes no alcohol, grains, dairy, legumes, added sugar or junk food. The key for me is that it is only 30 days and hopefully at the end of this I will have a much better relationship with food and drink.
So far, so good. I have not broken my plan. I am not calling this a diet, I can eat what I like so long as it is not a banned food. I thought day 4 would be easy as I had got through days 1-3. Eating and drinking wise, it was much easier. My body, however, did start to feel the effects of the detox.
I started Monday in my usual way with a PT session. I woke up feeling slightly fluey but was pumped for a good session at the gym. I sweated my way through this session, hey, I think I sweated out a bottle of wine. At the end I felt more exhausted than usual but I had worked through the difficulty and I finished the session with determination. Suck it up princess!
Last night came another small challenge that I faced head on and succeeded. My sister had obtained tickets to The Real Full Monty which was the filming of a television show where 8 celebrities got their gear off while dancing to “You can leave your hat on”. I knew there would be alcohol there and under normal circumstances I would be getting into it.
Can I have fun without alcohol? It is sad that I need to ask myself that question but unfortunately I do.
The night was hilarious. Without giving away too many secrets, the guys did go the full monty and we did get a brief glimpse of some famous willies. It was all for a good cause, talking about men’s cancers, getting the conversation started for men to get checked by their doctor. These celebrities wanted to show other men that they too can go out of their comfort zone. They displayed their most vulnerable selves to give courage to other men. The message was brilliant.
The crowd were in a frenzy. We were clapping, cheering, dancing and laughing our heads off. Not for one minute did I feel like I was missing out by not having anything to drink.
By the time I got home I was exhausted. I can feel my body is adapting to this detox. I am tired, a little sore, have some flu like symptoms and a bit of a headache. These will pass in the next few days. I am not craving alcohol or junk food. I am going to do this!!!
This morning on day 5 and I crawled out of bed for the 6am boxing class. It would have been easy to roll over and sleep some more but I am making the commitment to myself to train every day this week. Another day closer to day 30 and feeling pumped.